What to expect here?

In the DevEx Nuggets, I share my thoughts, insights, and ideas on developer experience, organizational development, and related topics such as engineering leadership and company culture.

Why do I do what I do?

My goal is to help startups achieve peak developer productivity and experience.

I believe that people are intrinsically motivated and want to do their best possible work if we treat them like humans.

Most of what is known as leadership advice, management tips, and business 1x1 is based on the assumption that people must be managed, controlled, and supervised and that we need hierarchies to accomplish anything meaningful.

As we know today, this assumption is wrong. We do not need hierarchical companies with top-down control structures to achieve outstanding things at scale.

There is a better, more respectful, and more enjoyable way that puts humans at the center of what we do.

Through my writing, hands-on advisory, and training, I support organizations and individuals with the mindset shift necessary to make this a reality.

Because of my expertise in software engineering, leadership, and developer experience, I focus on engineering teams and software startups and how to improve their experience and productivity.

Higher employee experience inevitably leads to higher employee engagement and motivation, yielding higher product quality, customer success, and business success.

I write to think, explore, and help.

Who am I?

Hi, I am Tobi. 👋

I assist software companies to develop better software faster and create a win-win-win scenario for companies, customers, and employees.

My more than 20 years of experience in the software industry and leadership practice are incorporated into:

  • Designing clear technology strategies that drive the company vision,

  • Rapid prototype development to bring concepts to life,

  • Elimination of bottlenecks in development processes,

  • Automation of deployment processes to increase efficiency,

  • Decision-making and documentation in key technological issues,

  • Promoting a culture and standards that support engineering excellence,

  • Ensuring high product quality for high customer satisfaction and better maintainability,

  • Structuring tech teams and architectures for smooth development,

  • Recruiting and integrating talents to enhance performance,

  • Improving developer productivity and experience.

🚀 Interested? Let’s talk!

💭 I am a software engineer, tech lead, product lead, and entrepreneur. I look at organizational development, leadership, technology, and engineering through a lens of systemic thinking, psychology, complexity, and human evolution.

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Your Nudge toward Engineering Excellence && Happiness!


I'm dedicated to assisting organizations navigate development challenges. I write about engineering leadership, company culture, developer experience, and high-performing teams. I am your partner for Engineering Excellence && Happiness!